it's time to

overcome fear and step into being the women god wants you to be

 ways to work together


In this course, you will;

+ let your faith be greater than your fears
+ you will push past your greatest fears
+ get weekly bible verses
+ step into your god given purpose

give me the deets!

this program has 6 audio files from me, worksheets for practical ways to overcome your fears, weekly bible verses, a playlist to overcome your fears, access to the overcome your fears networking group and 6 printables to encourage you to push past your fears!


signature courses

I created these courses in an effort to bring women closer to the Lord. I want all of us women to step into the person God created us to be. The devil works to block our purposes in order to keep the Kingdom from advancing. Let’s overcome the obstacles put in our wan by banding together as sisters in Christ! 

01: Overcoming Your Fears



If courses aren't your jam then lets work together one-on-one to design a life that is glorifying to the Lord, free of burdens, and full of joy through coaching! 

Surviving to Thriving

This coaching course is for you if:

You are tired of just surviving this life and you are looking to start thriving according to God’s purposes for you

 If you would like to thrive in life, work, relationships, but you aren’t sure where to start

 You wish to no longer feel the weight of busyness, chaos, and just life on your shoulders

You consistently feel overwhelmed, bulged down, and constantly fighting what feels like an uphill battle

Business Basics Bootcamp

This coaching course is for you if:

You would like to start a business, but you have no idea which path to take, what your strengths are, or how to get started

You know you want to start a business, but you are afraid of getting started and are unsure of the steps that need to be taken to get there

You have a new business that you feel could be more successful, but you aren’t sure how to get it there

You are an experienced boss babe, but you are struggling from severe stress and overwhelm and need a coach to work through your processes with you to eliminate the stress

apply for coaching